Year 3 enjoyed a wonderful Roald Dahl Day on Friday, 1st November. The children were unrecognisable as Matilda, Fantastic Mr Fox, The Enormous Crocodile or many of Roald Dahl’s other
brilliant characters.


The classrooms buzzed with excitement as the children had great fun in Maths, measuring a range of Enormous Crocodiles, from The Slightly Small Enormous Crocodile to The Very Enormous Crocodile. Measuring the BFG caused great excitement, too, before weighing James’ giant peach and making comparisons with other peaches. The children practised their mathematical skills in a fun and practical way and loved working in their groups.


James and the Giant Peach was the inspiration for some fabulous creative writing. Using this story as a stimulus, the children selected their own main character, giant fruit and animals before planning an adventure with problems and solutions. They all became creative authors in their own right and weird and wonderful stories were created.


In the afternoon, children drew their own illustrations in the style of the fantastic Quentin Blake. The group work undertaken by the children embodied our LJS values beautifully as they
collaborated and cooperated with each other throughout the day to reach a common goal.