Most pupils join LJS in Reception, where the foundations of learning are laid, preparing children for all that lies ahead. Each class has both a Form Teacher and a Teaching Assistant, ensuring individual talents and abilities are both recognised and nurtured and that every child gets the right support where needed. Entry is non-selective, with guaranteed places offered to the first 40 families to register their child. For all children holding places, we offer a detailed transition programme prior to the September term which ensures that they get to know LJS and each other ahead of starting Reception. In our experience, this is hugely valuable in helping both pupils and parents prepare for School.
Whilst the majority of pupils join LJS in Reception, where places are available, we welcome pupils joining in other year groups. We work closely with children and their families to ensure a smooth and happy transition. To support this, we ask that children spend two days with us in their potential class prior to entry – getting to know their Teacher, Teaching Assistant and classmates. These fun, engaging and stimulating days allow us to get to know your child better and understand his or her current interests and abilities. Our primary aim is for your child to feel at ease, begin to build friendships with their peers and develop a sense of familiarity with LJS before joining us.
We are a non-selective school across all year groups. Any assessment during the two-day visits for Year 1 upwards is to enable us to gain a picture of where your child is at on their learning journey. All of the information that we collate is aimed at helping us ensure that they will be happy and confident in joining their peers. We believe in creating strong and open relationships with parents from the outset and we ask of you to make it known to us if your child has any identified learning or behavioural difficulties. This will enable us to ensure we are able to offer the right level of support.
If the year group, including Reception, is already at our optimum class size, we hold a waiting list. It costs £30 + VAT to add your child’s name to our waiting list and, whilst there is no guarantee that a place will become available, we keep the lines of communication constantly open. If there is any potential movement on the lists, we will be in touch with you as soon as possible.
We pride ourselves on working in partnership with our parents and a personal connection with each family is important to us. We therefore strongly recommend that you speak with Mrs Rachel Waterhouse, Assistant Head Admissions, ahead of filling in a registration form, not least to ensure there is availability in the required year group.
To register, please download a registration form for your relevant point of entry and return it to Admissions with the payment of £125 + VAT.
Registration Form: Reception (EYFS)
No matter what stage you are at in choosing a school for your child, please do not hesitate to get in touch. Please contact our Assistant Head Admissions, Mrs Rachel Waterhouse, for further information.
Mrs Rachel Waterhouse, Assistant Head Admissions
Laxton Junior School
East Road
T: 01832 277159