Why are we celebrating? Not only is it Friday and therefore the weekend is in sight – can we hear a cheer? – but we started our Friday with a fabulous Celebration Assembly!
After we all joined in with a rousing chorus of ‘Come on and Celebrate’, Mr Robertson had lots of exciting achievements to share with us. He started with Grace, who held a bake sale outside her house and raised a brilliant £150 for Target Ovarian Cancer – superb! Georgie, one of our keen horse riders, has had great success in her recent show jumping competitions, finishing 2nd in the 6- to 65cm category and a very creditable 4th in the 70 to 75cm section – well done! Imogen has begun fundraising for her forthcoming Three Peaks Challenge at the end of March. So far, the total raised is £1234 (what a great number!) and this looks set to rise over the next 5 weeks before the challenge itself. Hugo has completed an impressive 11 park runs which has earned him his Half Marathon certificate – congratulations! The LJS Equestrian Team has been busy once again. Fritha, Jossie and Flora finished 1st and Albie, Jossie and Flora finished 6th in their respective classes – excellent work by our riders and their steeds. The Swimming Team has been busy breaking no fewer than 8 LJS swimming records in recent galas and one of our swimming captains, Lleyton, was on hand to present the certificates to our super swimmers. We know Lucy, the other Swimming Captain, who was on her way to Uppingham to take part in the IAPS U11 Netball regional heats, was cheering you on from afar!
Not all of our House Captains were present as some of them were on also their way to Uppingham with Lucy, but the remaining captains announced the House Point Champions to appreciative applause. Well done to Elias, Joshua and Violet for Whitmore; Jack, Sophie, Alice and Harry for Burghley, Olivia, Isla, Henry and Oliver for Gloucester and Woody, Hettie and Rosie for Lilford!
Our newly appointed Play Leaders were awarded their badges by Mrs Ormston. Thank you to Eve, Ariyan, Daniel, Ambar, Olivia, Cecily, Dexter, Jemima and Flora for volunteering your time on Monday and Friday playtimes to help us all to learn new games and support our play.
The monthly presentation of Values Certificates is always keenly anticipated and it is always a real treat to hear each Form Teacher announce the winner for their Form and explain why they have been chosen to receive the certificate. We heard how Ottilie, Hugo and Arjun have all shown superb levels of Care for the children and adults around them. Quality certificates were presented to William, Isla, Eleanor, Josiah and Haneen – how wonderful to hear how they complete their tasks with such care, resulting in high quality outcomes. No fewer than six Love of Learning certificates were given out and as we listened to the teachers descriptions of their children, it was clear why Harry, Jemima, Hugo, Chase, Fritha and Charlotte were the recipients.
Ms Marais announced that Vidhaan is this month’s Times Tables Rock Stars Champion, having put in lots of extra practice at home. What a great example you are setting, Vidhaan! Head Boy Jack told us that he and Head Girl Izzy (yes, you guessed it – she was on her way to the Netball tournament!) had been wowed by Tessa’s kind nature and she proudly received the Cup of Kindness that will be on display in her classroom. Finally, Noah was presented with the overall Values award, receiving the coveted ‘V’ pin badge for his blazer and the Values trophy that will be on display in his classroom. We heard how Noah cares for the people around him and always asks, ‘How are you?’ and embodies the LJS Values beautifully.
No matter how you are spending your weekend, we are sure you can find something to celebrate! Have a lovely weekend!