Paralympian Clare Cunningham visited Laxton Junior School on the 10th March as part of the Sports for Schools initiative. All pupils from Reception to Year Six completed a sponsored fitness circuit which included press ups, spotty dogs and star jumps. The money raised will go towards new school sports equipment for LJS and will also fund up and coming GB athletes.
The circuits were followed by an inspirational assembly by Clare. She spoke of her early swimming lessons and the determination and perseverance that led to her swimming competitively. One of the highlights was seeing her Paralympic swimming gold medal from Barcelona in 1992. She also showed us her state of the art bicycle which she uses for triathlons.
Clare has competed in three Paralympic Games, initially in Swimming, and most recently in Triathlon in Rio in 2016. Acting Head of Sport Miss Danby said, ‘The children had a wonderful time. Hopefully this event will inspire Olympians and Paralympians of the future!’