What is the most accurate predictor of a child’s success at school?
You might be surprised to hear that it isn’t socioeconomic status, the number of books read or the amount of homework completed, but it is the extent to which families encourage learning and involve themselves in their child’s education.
When families are engaged in their children’s school lives, pupils have the home support, knowledge and confidence that they can develop a lifelong love of learning. That is why our Laxton Junior School value of ‘Community’ is so dear to us. This term sees us launch our ‘Parents in Partnership’ initiative, where we aim to bring school and families even closer together to ensure academic, social and emotional success for all.
On Friday, 10th January we welcomed over 35 family members into school, who joined together to explore how to build resilience in their children. Led by our Mental Health Lead, Natalie Jarvis, families discussed Dr Ginsburg’s (a Professor of Paediatrics and a paediatrician specialising in Adolescent Medicine, author of ‘Building Resilience in Children and Teens – Giving Kids Roots and Wings’ and ‘Raising Kids to Thrive’) 7 essential building blocks of resilience: competence, confidence, connection, character, contribution, coping and control. The overriding message shared with our community being that children need to be surrounded by adults who believe in them unconditionally and hold them to high expectations of being generous, compassionate and creative. It was also reiterated that, above all, what we do to model healthy strategies for our children is more important than anything we say about them.
It is our hope that with the skills and strategies learned during the sessions that families can continue to support and nurture their children as they grow in confidence, independence and resilience in all areas of their life.
Our next ‘Parents in Partnership’ session will be presented by Kathryn Brown, the Area Co-ordinator for the NSPCC and be focussed around Online Safety. We are also looking forward to sharing sessions on ‘Learning at Home’; ‘Mindfulness’; ‘Outdoor Learning’ and ‘Mastery’ throughout this academic year.
Ms Stacey Crump, Deputy Head