On Friday 3rd February, Year Six pupils at Laxton Junior School enjoyed a fascinating visit from Dr Deayton of Barts Hospital, London.
Dr Deayton is an expert in her field of infection and immunity and therefore the ultimate font of knowledge to whom the children could address queries regarding the finer details of the coughs and sneezes that they tend to experience over the winter months.
Dr Deayton’s visit enhanced curriculum topics that the Year Six pupils are currently studying. The children also had the opportunity to ask questions about a range of infectious diseases, from the everyday cold to diseases that blight the third world.
Teacher Sue Pearson commented, “the children benefited from an invaluable experience: they were so engaged and asked some wonderful questions. Dr Deayton provided them with an insight into her field and acted as an outstanding role model for those pupils who, even at this young age, have aspirations to follow a path in science”.